Friday, May 05, 2006

Elvis and Priscilla are in their new home!

Over the last few days, we've made good progress on the coop:
* put up the rest of the interior sheeting
* built a rooster box and closed it in
* built the chicken ramps and the human door, including hinges and latches
* covered a broken window (d'oh!)
* tacked down plastic on the foor

and last but not least,

* Brought Elvis and Priscilla over to their new home!

We got the coop "done enough" late last night (we had to bring out a light for the last work items -- good thing we ran a heavy-duty extension cord out there). Then we emptied the wheelbarrow and dug out our big cat carrier. Then off we trundled to our neighbour's house for a late-night chicken abduction. ;-)

We put down the bedding, got the food and water ready, then opened the carrier. The chickens showed absolutely no interest in getting out of the carrier! So we just lef them there.

This morning we peeked in on them and they were strutting around like they owned the place.

Today Laura plans on putting in some fencing, so Elvis and Priscilla can go outside. We also have a few pictures, so we'll put up another blog posting later.


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