Thursday, June 08, 2006

First eggs

Priscilla started to lay last week and managed an beautiful hard-shelled little cream-coloured a day until yesterday. These wonderful little eggs are mostly a yolk the same size as a small standard chicken egg. The yolks a a brilliant orange.

Here they are shown with large brown store bought eggs.

It was such a surprise to find them. I had stopped checking for any and on a day last week I went in to clean and fill the indoor waterer and there were four eggs sitting tidily at the door in a shallow nest.

Elvis is now crowing regularly in the morning. He's a handsome boy. The iridescence is developing on his check jowls.

Here is Rembrandt our 7wk old Welsummer cockeral. He's turning out quite handsome too. Currently Horus is winning the dominance thing I think but soon Rem will out weigh him by quite a bit.

Here are two of the Black Stars looking for treats at my feet. The on on my feet has the most gold and one of her sisters in the back is showing an increasing irridescence in her feathers. They're 8wks now.

Here are Isis and immediately behind her Nephthys. I'm hoping that Nephthys is her sister because 'she' is nearly as red in the comb as the two known roos. It won't be long before we know for sure. It'll be quite a disappointment if she is.