I've meaning to post chick pics quite a while, but life been busy. Still it's no excuse for forgetting my mom's birthday. Sorry Mom!
This is a pic for comparison of the light Amerauraca and Horus at 5 days or so old. I like the ladybug on her back and the glyph on her head.
Here is another size comparison group, a Welsummer at five das or so and at about two weeks. I've spread her wing to show the feather growth. Both pics are a bit blurry.
This is Day (short for Daylight as my littlest nieghbour named their matching swap NightLight) at four weeks. She's looking quite ratty at the moment with her brown feathers coming in all patchy. And this was her at 12 days.
This is one of the Black Stars. She's now bigger than a Starling, but not quite Crow sized. This is one of the smaller of the five. She is just getting her first bronze feathers.
Here is the brown Ameraucana. You can really see the fluffy cheeks. In the last day or two longer fluffy neck feathers have developed one the light coloured one.
More chick pics will happen on Friday when we get our batch of roo chicks we're raising as meat birds.
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