Chicken coop progress
This Easter weekend was a busy one. We made good progress on the chicken coop, and had a bunch of people over for a BBQ party. The weather was gorgeous -- warm but not too hot, sunny, and NO bugs!
On Friday, I got the windows framed in and the back wall plywood put up before the people starting arriving for the party.
Then we had a BBQ party. It was the perfect time of year - the bugs weren't bad and it was warm enough to spend a lot of time on the deck.

Saturday was spent picking up materials and things, so no progress was made on the coop.
On Sunday, we put the remainder of the wall sheeting up:

And then the roof went on:

Here's the chicken-cam view:

Laura working on the roof:

And the roof is on and the tools are being put away:
So all in all, it was a great Easter weekend. We had fun, made good progress on the coop, and got some exercise and fresh air.
Here's another neat thing I've been meaning to mention for some time. Laura's Mom was once in a movie called "In Her Defense" as a courtroom artist. This movie didn't do well at the box office, and it's been very hard to find. Laura and I wanted to get the movie just to see her Mom on the screen. So thanks be to the Internet, we finally got the movie.
Here's proof:
< class="MsoNormal">Of course, it wouldn't be a "proper" blog posting without cute pictures of the cat, so...